We are A Go! Our new single Borrowed Time is now available on all digital platforms. So you can find it on all your favorite places for listening to music online. 

This has been a loonnngg time coming. It’s our first song to be released since our album No Worse for the Wear back in 2015. It feels good to be sharing new music with you all again. And this is just the start. We’ve got plans to release a 5 song EP later in the fall. We’ll also look to share another song from that EP later this summer. We’ll post updates on that here and on our socials as we get closer. For now, we’re going to enjoy the release of Borrowed Time, and hope you do the same!

We’ve got to send tons of thanks to all of our radio friends for playing Borrowed Time these past few weeks: Hot Wax Radio, On the Rail Radio, Indie Rage Radio, Code Zero Radio, Teri – host of Music Matters, Nuts on the Radio, Punk Rock Demonstration, The Vault 847, and Howling Rock Radio. Thanks for playing us all these years, and for helping to introduce Borrowed Time to listeners!