Thrilled to be added to the Music Is Our Super Power Playlist! Check it out on Spotify, featuring our song Hanging on by a Thread:
Thrilled to be added to the Music Is Our Super Power Playlist! Check it out on Spotify, featuring our song Hanging on by a Thread:
Our song ‘Enough’ was added to the Metal Angel Songbook playlist, featuring classics from the likes of Metallica, GnR and Megadeth.
Snakes and Vultures was added to the Region Rotation playlist on Spotify, along with tons of other songs that will bring back memories of the Warped Tour days.
Thankful to have had our song ‘Anchors’ added to the Rock and Rock playlist on Spotify! In case it wasn’t clear, the playlist features hours and hours of new rock music from all kinds of different bands and artists. Give it a listen.
Our song Snakes and Vultures has been added to the Underground Punk Revival playlist on Spotify! There’s hours of punk music from great underground/indie acts from all over. Check it out: