We’ll be on IndieCast Radio tonight. Tune in at www.indiecastnetwork.com tonight at 8pm EST / 5pm PST to hear us and other great indie artists.
We’ll be on IndieCast Radio tonight. Tune in at www.indiecastnetwork.com tonight at 8pm EST / 5pm PST to hear us and other great indie artists.
Sending some thanks out to Kat’s Metal Litter Box. They’ll be featuring us as part of their Global Rock and Metal Day tomorrow. Catch us along with some hard rock and metal all day long.
Sending some thanks out to RocknRollica Radio for adding us into the mix! Tune in and request us at RocknRollica.com on desktop or mobile.
Sending some THANKS out to The WOLF at the University of West Georgia for adding us into the rotation! Tune in using the…well…TuneIn app on your phone or online.
Tune in to IndieCast Radio tonight between 8 pm and Midnight EDT. They’ll be streaming us and other indie artists all night long! Head over to Tune in over at www.indiecastnetwork.com to listen.