Thanks to Lonely Oak Radio for featuring Snakes and Vultures on their new music program this morning. If you missed it, you can catch it again tonight starting at midnight EST / 9 pm PST. Head to to tune in to hear us.
Thanks to Lonely Oak Radio for featuring Snakes and Vultures on their new music program this morning. If you missed it, you can catch it again tonight starting at midnight EST / 9 pm PST. Head to to tune in to hear us.
We’ve recently been added into rotation on EGH Radio! Thanks to them for adding us to the mix. They’ll be playing Enough tonight on their live rock show tonight at 9 PM GMT. Tune in at to check it out.
Our new album “No Worse for the Wear” is available on Pandora! Create your own Silhouette Cities Radio station, and give all of our songs a big thumbs up.
Sending a big thanks out to WXRY 99.3 in Columbia, SC for playing us tonight! They featured Hanging on by a Thread during the WXRY Unsigned hour.
Special thanks to The X at Monmouth University for adding us into rotation. Tune into 88.9 FM in Central NJ to listen or call 732-571-3493 to request Snakes and Vultures.